The restoration
The task of restoring chassis 860001 was one which had a very precise, yet simple, brief and ethos behind it: retain as much of the original vehicle as was physically, and safely possible.
Many had already condemned the chassis as being beyond repair, but after detailed inspection based upon decades of experience, we were adamant that not only could it be saved, but that an impressive amount of the original metal would still make up the backbone of the restored vehicle. Four months and over a thousand man hours later, the chassis was ready to form the foundation of JUE 477 once again.
The original engine, gearbox and transfer box were extensively rebuilt in order to provide a reliable drivetrain and thousands of ancillaries, components, nuts and bolts were all removed, cleaned and overhauled where necessary and then refitted.
The twisted and torn bodywork was not even washed and, using ancient and modern techniques and as little heat as possible, was returned to a recognisable form. New parts were only used where there was a risk to safety or where the original could not be saved; without question, JUE 477's DNA was retained wherever possible and regardless of time or effort required.

The original chassis took four months of dedicated work to painstakingly resurrect into something that could be used once again.